ปิ๊กอัพ DiMarzio Vintage Strat® Loaded Pickguard Black
- ผู้ผลิต: DiMarzio®
- รหัส/รุ่น: 5601
- คะแนนสะสม: 10
- สถานะสินค้า: มีสินค้า
- ซื้อด้วยคะแนนะสม: 12600
- OR -
Condition: New
ปิ๊กอัพกีตาร์พร้อมปิคการ์ดยกชุด DiMarzio Vintage Strat® Replacement Pickguard
Prewired Replacement Loaded Pickguard Model : FG2108BA5
The Vintage Strat® Replacement Pickguard features solderless connectors to make it easy to install this pickguard into any guitar with a standard 11-hole pickguard.
The pickup configuration for the Vintage Pickguard is a True Velvet™ Neck, True Velvet™ Middle, and True Velvet™ Bridge model. The True Velvet™ models have a classic sound that is bright but not thin, and they feature a custom magnet stagger specifically designed to enhance string balance, producing great clarity even with full chords. The middle pickup has reverse polarity for hum-cancellation in the 2 and 4 positions on the selector switch.
The bridge pickup is just a touch warmer and louder than the neck and middle, so the transition between pickup positions is smooth and balanced.
In true vintage style, the True Velvet™ pickups have hand-ground magnets and vintage, cloth-covered pushback cable.
Prewired Pickguard
- DiMarzio True Velvet™ Neck
- DiMarzio True Velvet™ Middle
- DiMarzio True Velvet™ Bridge
- DiMarzio Pot
- DiMarzio Capacitor
- DiMarzio Pot 5-Way Oak Grigsby Switch
- Mono Input jack Switchcraft
- Made in USA
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